Tuesday, 23 August 2011

House and home

Before I started to travel, I was definitely a home body, I loved having a place that was something I could call home, and even though I don't own a home it’s always nice to have somewhere that you feel you can just be you and have everything how you want it. Moving half way around the world hasn't taken that out of me, though I have relaxed a lot more about the living situation, I still miss having that home feeling. I have been living in my current flat for 14 months, I think that's about the best approximate time frame and while I have been here 14 months I still feel like a stranger.

You know that feeling when you come home from work and it's nice to just relax and unwind after a long day, I don't really feel like I can do that here. It's hard coming up with a compromise about living conditions when you know you're travelling and as long as you've got a decent room that's the main thing. The room that I am renting at the moment I actually really like granted it's small, but that's OK for me, right now I have no need for anything big and spacious. The whole house is actually rather nice, and I do think it is somewhere that has great potential to be a lovely place.

Prior to finding the flat that I'm in now, I did feel like I was in dire straits trying to find somewhere to live in London. It can be hard when you're on your own; you need to find a room that seems comfortable, warm, welcoming and most of all in your price range. Goodness when I was on the lookout did I see some horrible places, and I did start to become extremely worried that I wouldn't find something that was in my price range that wasn't freezing cold, mouldy, grubby, or the size of a shoe box. So I think that's why as much as where I am doesn't have the most comfortable vibe, it's nice and I'd much rather be here than living in some grottsville.

I think it just boils down to that situation when you just don't really seem to click with the people that you live with, and that's me right now. I just can't seem to click with my flat mates and it makes the living situation harder than it should be. Don't get me wrong I do get along with them, but it's always those small meaningless conversations, and though I do get along with some more than others (there are 4 other I live with) it still doesn't really seem to work. Though this is not all without effort and I have tried to be friendly and extra nice, I do like to think that I get along with a lot of people, it's just a little bit unfortunate that I've managed to find a bunch where I can't seem to break that sense of unease.

I do very much look forward to the day when I will have something that will be home to me again, and hopefully my own home. Though for now I still consider myself lucky, I have much better living conditions than a lot of people in the world and I am grateful for having a roof over my head, it's just a shame that I really can't enjoy this house like I should be able to and that I look forward to the day I move out of here and into something much more me.

1 comment:

  1. I know just what you mean about wanting to have some place of your own. I have had a growing desire to buy a house and renovate, which is just silly at this point in time in my life. But one can always dream. Happy traveling!
